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Aptitude Interview Questions And Answers

11. On sports day,if 30 children were made to stand in a column,16 columns could be formed. If   24 children were made to stand in a column , how many columns could be formed?

Ans. 20
Sol:  Total number of children=30*16=480         
Number of columns of 24 children each =480/24=20.

12. Two trains 200mts and 150mts are running on the parallel rails at this rate of 40km/hr and 45km/hr.In how much time will they cross each other if they are running in the same direction.

Ans: 252sec
Relative speed=45-40=5km/hr=25/18 mt/sec
        Total distance covered =sum of lengths of trains =350mts.
        So, time taken =350*18/25=252sec.

13. 5/9 part of the population in a village are males. If 30% of the males are married, the percentage of unmarried females in the total population is:

Ans: (250/9)%
Sol:  Let the population =x   Males=(5/9)x
        Married males = 30% of (5/9)x = x/6
        Married females = x/6
        Total females = (x-(5/9)x)=4x/9
        Unmarried females = (4x/9 – x/6) = 5x/18
        Required percentage = (5x/18 * 1/x * 100) = (250/9)%

14. From height of 8 mts a ball fell down and each time it bounces half the distnace back. What will be the distance travelled

 Ans: 24
 Sol:   8+4+4+2+2+1+1+0.5+0.5+ and etc . =24

15. First day of 1999 is sunday what day is the last day

Ans.: Monday
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