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Java Interview Questions On Variables

18. Select all valid identifiers from the following?
[a] 1hello
[b] _hello
[c] $hello
[d] #hello

[b] _hello
[c] $hello

19. What is the correct order in list given below?
[a] package, import, class
[b] class, import, package
[c] import, package, class
[d] package, class, import

[a] package, import, class

20. Select the correct anonymous inner class declaration ?
[a] new Outer.new Inner
[b] new Inner() { }
[c] new Inner()
[d] Outer.new Inner()

[b] new Inner() { }

21. Select all the correct choices from the following statements?
[a] A static modifier may not be applied to an inner class
[b] An inner class can have explicit constructors
[c] An inner class may implement an interface, or extend other classes
[d] Anonymous inner classes must be instantiated at the same point they are defined.

[b] An inner class can have explicit constructors
[c] An inner class may implement an interface, or extend other classes
[d] Anonymous inner classes must be instantiated at the same point they are defined.

22. What is the result of compiling the following code?
public class Test {
public static void main ( String[] args) {
int value;
value = value + 1;
System.out.println(" The value is : " + value);
[a] Compile and runs with no output
[b] Compiles and runs printing out "The value is 1"
[c] Does not compile
[d] Compiles but generates run time error

[c] Does not compile

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