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Home Lab Exercise Object Oriented Programming Lab Exercise Programs CPP Program To Implement Multiple Inheritance and also Passing Parameters To Base Class Constructors▼

CPP Program To Implement Multiple Inheritance and also Passing Parameters To Base Class Constructors

Alogarithm steps:

step 1:  Declare the base class namely BaseClass1. It consists the private member data and a constructor.

Step 2:  Declare the base class namely BaseClass2. It consists the private member data and a constructor.

Step 3:  create the derived class namely DerivedClass from BassClass1 and BaseClass2.

Step 4:  Declare constructor in DerivedClass with three arguments and also base  the arguments to base class constructor.

Step 5:  Create the object for DervidClass in main ().

Step 6:  The object automatically call the Derived class constructor. Now Derived class constructor automatically call the baseclass1 & baseclass2 constructor with arguments.

Step 7:  Display the values.

CPP Program To Implement Multiple Inheritance and also Passing Parameters To Base Class Constructors

#include using namespace std; class BaseClass1 { int a; public: BaseClass1(int x) { a = x; } int geta() { return a; } }; class BaseClass2 { int b; public: BaseClass2(int x) { b = x; } int getb() { return b; } }; class DerivedClass : public BaseClass1, public BaseClass2 { int c; public: DerivedClass(int x, int y, int z) : BaseClass1(z), BaseClass2(y){ c = x; } void show() { cout << geta() << ' ' << getb() << ' '; cout << c << '\n'; } }; int main() { DerivedClass object(1, 2, 3); object.show(); return 0; }


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