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Home Lab Exercise Object Oriented Programming Lab Exercise ProgramsCPP Program To Implement Constructor and Destructor▼

CPP Program For Constructor Over Loading

Alogarithm steps:

    Step 1: Create the class.

    Step 2: Declare the constructors with different parameter type and list.

    Step 3: Create the objects for the Fixed_deposite.

    Step 4: Object creation automatically call the type matched constructor.

    Step 5: The matched type constructor procedure will be run.

    Step 6: Compile and run the program.

CPP Program For Constructor Over Loading

#include class Fixed_deposite { long int P_amount; int Years; float Rate; float R_value; public : Fixed_deposit() {} Fixed_deposit(long int p, int y,float r=0.12); Fixed_deposit(long int p,int y,int r); Void display(void); }; Fixed_deposite :: Fixed_deposit (long int p,int y,float r) { P_amount=p; Years=y; Rate =r; R_value=p_amount; for(int i=1;i<=y;i++) R_value=R_value * (1.0+r); } Fixed_deposite :: Fixed_deposit (long int p,int y,int r) { P_amount=p; Years=y; Rate =r; R_value=p_amount; for(int i=1;i<=y;i++) R_value=R_value * (1.0+float(r)/100); } void Fixed_deposite :: display(void) { cout<<”\n”<<”Principal Amount=”<>p>>y>>R; FD1 =Fixed_deposite(p,y,R); cout<<”ENTER amount,period,interest rate(decimal form)”<<”\n”; cin>>p>>y>>r; FD2 =Fixed_deposite(p,y,R); cout<<”Enter the amount and period\n”; cin>>p>>y; FD1 =Fixed_deposite(p,y); cout<<"\nDeposiote"; FD1.display(); cout<<"\nDeposiote"; FD2.display(); cout<<"\nDeposiote"; FD3.display(); return 0: }


Enter  amout,period,interest rate(in percent)
10000 3 18
Enter  amout,period,interest rate(in decimal form)
10000 3 0.18
Enter the amount and period
10000 3

Deposite 1
Pricipal Amount =10000
Return Value      =16430.3

Deposite 2
Principle Amount = 10000
Return Value        = 16430.3

Deposite 3
Principle Amount = 10000
Return Value        = 14049.3

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