1.1 Newtonian Mechanics – Newton’s laws of motion-system of particles (2 body problem) conservation of
linear and angular momentum (1D and 2D elastic and in-elastic collision) and related problems
1.2 Lagrangian formulation- difficulties to handle coupled equations, Constraints (both time dependent and
time independent), Degrees of freedom, Generalised co-ordinates, Generalized force, potential and kinetic
energy, Lagrange’s equation of motion and Lagrangian, Ignorable co-ordinates, Hamilton’s equation and
Hamiltonian. The course should be discussed along with physical problems of 1-D motion).
Module 2: Vibration and Wave :-
Simple harmonic motion - its expression and differential equation and solution , Superposition of two linear
SHMs (with same frequency), Lissajous’ figures.
Damped vibration – differential equation and its solution, Critical damping, Logarithmic decrement,
Analogy with electric circuits.
Forced vibration – differential equation and solution, Amplitude and Velocity resonance, Sharpness of
resonance and Quality factor.
Progressive wave equation and its differential form, Difference between elastic (mechanical) and
electromagnetic waves.
Module 3: Electricity and Magnetism
3.1 Examples of vector and scalar field, grad, div, curl, Line integral, surface integral, volume integralphysical
examples in the context of electricity and magnetism, Stokes theorem and Gauss theorem [No
Proof], Expression of grad, div, curl and Laplacian in Spherical and Cylindrical co-ordinates.
3.2 Coulombs law, Gauss’s law in integral form and conversion to differential form and application,
Coulomb’s theorem, Electrostatic potential and field, Poisson’s Eqn and Laplace’s eqn (Application to
Cartesian, Spherically and Cylindrically symmetric systems – effective 1D problems) Electric current, drift
velocity, current density, continuity equation, steady current, conservation of charge, ampere, esu.
3.3 Lorentz force, force on a small current element placed in a magnetic field,,, Biot-Savart law and its
simple applications, divergence of magnetic field, vector potential, Ampere’s law in integral form and
conversion to differential form- applications,
3.4 Faraday’s law of electro-magnetic induction in integral form and conversion to differential form,
Maxwell’s field equations, Concept of displacement current, Maxwell’s wave equation and its solution for
free space.
End Results from the Course
Some Key Concepts
Communication as sharing; context of communication; the speaker / writer and the listener / reader;
medium of communication; barriers to communication; brevity, clarity and appropriateness in
Selecting material for expository, descriptive , and argumentative pieces, business letters; formal report;
summarizing and abstracting ; expressing ideas within a restricted word limit; paragraph division; the
introduction and the conclusion; listing reference material; use of charts, graphs and tables ; punctuation
and spelling; semantics of connectives, modifiers and modals; variety in sentences and paragraphs.
Reading Comprehension
Reading at various speeds ( slow , fast , very fast ) ; reading different kinds of texts for different purposes
(for example , for relaxation , for information , for discussion at a later stage , etc.) ; reading between the
Achieving desired clarity and fluency ; manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking ( voice quality ,
pitch , tone , etc. ) pausing for effectiveness while speaking ; task-oriented , interpersonal , informal and
semiformal speaking ; task-oriented, interpersonal , informal and semiformal speaking; making a short ,
classroom presentation.
Group Discussion
Use of persuasive strategies including some rhetorical devices ( for emphasizing , for instance; being polite
and firm; handling questions and taking in criticism of self; turn-taking strategies and effective intervention
; use of body language.
Telephonic Conversation.
Listening Comprehension
Achieving ability to comprehend material delivered at relatively fast speed; comprehending spoken
material in Standard Indian English, British English and American English ; intelligent listening in
institutions such as an interview in which one is a candidate.
Syllabus Details:
Grammar – Correction of sentence, Vocabulory / word formation, Single word for a group of words, Fill in
the blank, transformation of sentences, Structure of sentences – Active / Passive Voice – Direct / Indirect
Narration ( 5 lectures)
Essay – Descriptive – Comparative – Argumentative – Thesis statement- Structure of opening / concluding
paragraphs – Body of the essay
( 7 lectures)
Reading Comprehension – Global – Contextual – Inferential – Select passages from recommended text
( 8 lectures)
Business Correspondence – Letter Writing – Formal. Drafting. Biodata- Resume′- Curriculum Vitae
( 7 lectures)
Report Writing – Structure , Types of report – Practice Writing ( 8
Communication / Public Speaking skills , Features of effective speech, verbal-nonverbal
( 7 lectures)
Group discussion – principle – practice ( 6 lectures)