1 Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Defining consumer behaviour, Impact on marketing
strategies, Current trends in consumer behavior
2 Consumer Decision Process: Need recognition, information search, evaluation of
alternatives, purchase decision, consumption and post-purchase evaluation, Variables that
shape decision process- individual differences, psychological processes, environmental
influences, Types of decision process – complex decision making, variety seeking, impulse
buying, loyalty, degree of involvement in buying
3 Individual Characteristics: Demographic and psychographic characteristics and market
segmentation, Personality, personal values, lifestyle concepts and measurements
4 Consumer Perception: Marketing stimuli and perception, Perceptual selection -
organization, interpretation, selective perception process
5 Learning and Memory: Information acquisition and processing, Learning elements,
Theories, Memory processes
6 Consumer Motivation: Nature and role of motives, Classifying motives, Motive arousal,
Motivation and involvement
7 Self-concept: Perspective of self, Consumption and self concept, Gender roles
8 Attitude: Characteristics and functions of attitude, Attitude development, Attitude theories
and models, Role of belief in attitude formation, Relationship of attitude and behaviour,
Attitude reinforcement and change
9 Culture Subculture and Social Class: Nature of culture, Cultural values, Changing values,
Cross-cultural understanding of consumer behaviour, Types of subculture and their influence
on behaviour, Nature of social class, Social stratification
10 Reference Group Influence: Nature and types of reference groups, How groups influence
individuals, Opinion leadership, Word-of-mouth, Innovation and diffusion
11 Family and Household: Structural and sociological variables affecting families and
households, Family life cycles, Role behaviour, Conflict resolution, Changing role of
women, Children and household consumer behaviour
12 Models of Consumer Behaviour: Nicosia, Howard-Sheth & EKB
13 Organizational Buying Behaviour: Organizational buyers versus consumers, Factors
influencing business buying, Types of buying situations, Organizational buying process
14 Case Studies
Suggested Readings |
Assael, H.: Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Action; South-Western
Blackwell, R.D., Miniard, P.W. & Engel, J,F.: Consumer Behaviour; South-Western
Hawkins, D.I., Best, R.J.. Koney, K.A.& Mookerjee, A.: TMH
Kumar: Conceptual issues in Consumer Behaviors; Pearson Education
Loudon & Bitta, Della: Consumer Behaviour; TMH
Shiffman & Kanuk: Consumer Behaviour; Pearson Education
Solomon, M. R., Consumer BehaviouR, Pearson Education