1. Introduction to Production Management: Production system; Types of production; Replanning and control
functions; Relations with other departments; Efficiency of production planning and control.
2. Plant Location and Layout: Choice and selection of plant location; Plant design; Plant layout; Product layout and
process layout; Criteria for a good layout.
3. Plant Maintenance and Materials Handling: Types of maintenance – preventive, predictive and overhaul;
Selection of good materials handling equipment; Methods of Materials handling.
4. Materials Management: Need, scope and advantages; Materials Requirement Planning (MRP – I, MRP – II) and
5. Inventory Planning and Control: EOQ Models – without shortage, with shortage, with price breaks; Effect of
quantity discount; ABC, FSN and VED classification; Inventory control; Perpetual, Two-bin and Periodic Inventory
System; Just In Time (JIT) system; Probabilistic Inventory Models (discrete and continuous cases)
6. Scheduling : Gantt Chart, Johnson's Rule
7. Network Analysis: PERT/CPM techniques, Shortest path algorithms and their applications (Dijkstra's algorithm;
Flloyd's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm, Ford-Fulkerson method)
8. Inspection and Quality Control: Types and criteria of inspection; Statistical Quality Control; Control Charts.
9. Total Quality Management(TQM) : Concept, features, need for TQM, Cost of quality, Kaizen, Kyodo, PDCA
cycle, 7 QC tools, 5s concept, Quality circle. Total Quality in Service Sector
10. Quality Management System : Quality Audit, Concepts of six sigma
11. Purchase Management: Purchase Policy, Systems, Procedures; Vendor Selection; Negotiation; Vendor
Development and Evaluation; Make or Buy decision; Legal aspects of purchasing.
12. Work and method study
13. Case Studies