Final class

            A class that cannot be subclassed is called a final class. This is achieved in Java using the keyword final as follows:

               public final class Aclass {
Any attempt to inherit these classes will cause an error and the compiler will not allow it. Declaring a class final prevents any unwanted extensions to the class. It also allows the compiler to perform some optimizations when a method of a final class is invoked. It also provides some benefit in regard to security and thread safety. 
   final class MySecureClass {
    // This class cannot be extended

A final class is a Java class which cannot be extended. This means that a final class can not become a superclass nor have a subclass.


Abstract class
            By declaring a method and a class as abstract, it is made explicit that the user of the classes must override the method and must never instantiate the abstract class .
abstract class Shape {
  abstract int getArea();
Note that if any method is declared abstract, the class must be declared abstract as well or the compiler will give an error message.
An abstract class can include concrete methods and fields. In fact, an abstract class does not need to include any abstract methods. The abstract modifier simply indicates that the class cannot be instantiated. All of the abstract methods must be overridden by methods in the concrete subclasses.
abstract class  Car {
            public void doCalculate(){
                        System.out.println("Calculte method1");
            public void getMileage(){
public abstract void getCount();

public class Vehicle extends Car{
            private static int a,b;
            public void getSpeed (){

            public void getMileage (){
            public void doCalculate (){
                                    System.out.println("Calculte method1");


            public static void main(String args []){
            Vehicle v=new Vehicle ();
            System.out.println ("private:"+a);
            v.getSpeed ();
            v.getMileage ();
            v.doCalculate ();

Final modifier
Final is one of the non-access modifier. When a class is marked as 'final', it can never be extended. i.e the final classes cannot be sub classed.
When a method is marked as final, it can never be overridden, even though the class itself is non-final. When an instance variable is marked as final, once it is given a value, it can never change. If a reference variable is assigned to an object, then  it can’t be reassign to a new object to that reference variable.
All final variable must be initialized by a value explicitly before each constructors finishes running. Else the compiler will throw an exception. final is the only modifier that can be applied for a method local variable. It should be given a value during variable declaration.

class CBase {
               final void methodA() {
                               System.out.println("Final methodA of CBase.") 
               public void methodB() {
                              System.out.println ("Non-final methodB of CBase.") 
class CDerived extends CBase {
               void methodA() { 
                               System.out.println ("methodA of CDerived.") 
               void methodB() {
                                System.out.println ("methodB of CDerived.")
               public static void main(String args [])
                               CDerived baseInstance =new CDerived();

The output of this program shows that the final method is not overridden:

Final methodA of CBase.
methodB of CDerived.


Inner Classes

1. A "regular" inner class is declared inside the curly braces of another class, but outside any method or other code block.

2. An inner class is a full-fledged member of the enclosing (outer) class, so it can be marked with an access modifier as well as the abstract or final modifiers. (Never both abstract and final together— remember that abstract must be subclassed, whereas final cannot be subclassed).

3. An inner class instance shares a special relationship with an instance of the enclosing class. This relationship gives the inner class access to all of the outer class's members, including those marked private.

4. To instantiate an inner class, an instance of the outer class must have a reference.

5. From code within the enclosing class the inner class can be instantiated using only the name of the inner class, as follows:
MyInner mi = new MyInner ();

6. From code outside the enclosing class's instance methods, the inner class can be instantiated only by using both the inner and outer class names and a reference to the outer class as follows:

MyOuter mo = new MyOuter ();
MyOuter.MyInner inner = MyInner ();

7. From code within the inner class, the keyword this holds a reference to the inner class instance. To reference the outer this precede the keyword this with the outer class name as follows: MyOuter.this;

class MyOuter {
private int x = 7;
public void makeInner() {
MyInner in = new MyInner(); // make an inner instance
class MyInner {
public void seeOuter() {
System.out.println("Outer x is " + x);