In a loop, continue will advance immediately to the next step through the loop.
....break will break the control out of the loop and run the code that follows it.

A continue statement causes a jump to the loop-continuation portion of the smallest enclosing iteration statement; that is, to the end of the loop body. A break statement terminates execution of the smallest enclosing switch or iteration statement.

Example for break statement

int x = 0;
for( x; x != 10; ++x ) {
   if( x == 5 ) break;
cout << x;

Example for continue statement

int x = 0;
for( x; x != 10; ++x ) {
   if( x == 5 ) continue;
cout << x;

so in the continue one it will continue the for loop when x hits 5 and will display 10 after the loop is done but in the break one it will stop right away and then go to the cout<<x.

Remember, continue statements must be inside a loop; otherwise, a compiler will produce the error. break statements must be used inside either a loop or switch statement.