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Third semester
Computer Science and Engineering

CS 1204 - Object Oriented Programming

(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours                                                                Maximum marks: 100

Answer ALL questions

PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)

1.What are the main characteristics of OOP language?    

2. What are the valid types of data that the main () can return in C/C++ language?

3.What are the difference between default and parameterized constructor?

4.List out the properties of a static member function?

5.What are the functions supported by file stream classes for performing I/O operations?

6.What are the types of exception? C++ provides what type of exception?

7.Define JVM?

8.What is the major difference between interface and classes?

9.Define multithreading.

10.What are the two methods by which we may stop threads?


PART B (5 x 16 = 80)


11. a (i). Describe the advantages of OOP (8)

(ii).What are the difference between pointers to constant and constant pointers (8)


b.(i). Describe the applications of OOP technology (8)

(ii). What is inline functions? Explain the situations where inline expansion may not work (8)

12.a.(i). Explain copy constructor with suitable C++ coding (8)

(ii) List out the rules for overloading operators (8)



b. (i) Explain hybrid inheritance with suitable C++ coding. (8)


(ii) Define polymorphism. Explain the different types of polymorphism. (8)


13.a. write a C++ program to read  from two files simultaneously. (16)


b.Define multiple catch statement with the help of suitable C++ coding. (16)

14. (a) Explain method overloading with suitable Java coding. (16)


(b).(i) Write a Java program for alphabetical ordering of strings (10)

(ii). Explain the different forms of inheritance supported in Java (6)


15.(a). Explain various forms of interface implementation (16)


(b). Write a Java program to throw user defined exceptions. (16)


