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TCL script to generate rand file which contains packets sent, received and dropped information


     This network consists of 5 nodes. The duplex links between n1 and n2 have 0.3 Mbps of bandwidth and 10 ms of delay. The duplex link between n2 and n3 has 0.3Mbps of bandwidth and 10 ms of delay. The duplex link between n3 and n4, n5 has 0.3Mbps of bandwidth and 10 ms of delay. Each link uses a DropTail queue. An "UDP" agent is attached to n1 and a connection is established to udp "Null" agent attached to n4. As default, the maximum size of a packet that “UDP" agent can generate is 1000bytes. An udp "Null" agent generates and sends ACK packets to the sender (tcp agent) and frees the received packets. The cbr is set to start at 0.4 sec and stop at 2.0 sec. The cbr is set to start at 0.4 sec and stop at 2.0 sec. Here we generate the rand file. It is used to create a graph to identify the amount of data sent, received and dropped. Lines in the graph will be separated by the different colors.

File name: “Rands3.tcl”

#-------Event scheduler object creation--------#

set ns [new Simulator]


set nf [open Rands3.tr w]
$ns trace-all $nf
$ns namtrace-all [open Rands3.nam w]

#------------COLOR DESCRIPTION---------------#

$ns color 1 red
$ns color 30 purple
$ns color 31 green

# allocate a multicast address;
set group [Node allocaddr]                  

# nod is the number of nodes
set nod 5                         

# create multicast capable nodes;
for {set i 1} {$i <= $nod} {incr i} {
   set n($i) [$ns node]                      

#Create links between the nodes
$ns duplex-link $n(1) $n(2) 0.3Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n(2) $n(3) 0.3Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n(2) $n(4) 0.5Mb 10ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $n(2) $n(5) 0.3Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n(3) $n(4) 0.3Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n(4) $n(5) 0.5Mb 10ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $n(4) $n(6) 0.5Mb 10ms DropTail
#$ns duplex-link $n(5) $n(6) 0.5Mb 10ms DropTail

# configures multicast protocol;
BST set RP_($group) $n(2)
$ns mrtproto BST

set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]                    
set udp2 [new Agent/UDP]                   

$ns attach-agent $n(1) $udp1
$ns attach-agent $n(2) $udp2

set src1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$src1 attach-agent $udp1
$udp1 set dst_addr_ $group
$udp1 set dst_port_ 0
$src1 set random_ false


set src2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$src2 attach-agent $udp2
$udp2 set dst_addr_ $group
$udp2 set dst_port_ 1
$src2 set random_ false

# create receiver agents
set rcvr [new Agent/LossMonitor]     

# joining and leaving the group;
$ns at 0.6 "$n(3) join-group $rcvr $group"
$ns at 1.3 "$n(4) join-group $rcvr $group"
$ns at 1.6 "$n(5) join-group $rcvr $group"
#$ns at 1.9 "$n(4) leave-group $rcvr $group"
#$ns at 2.3 "$n(6) join-group $rcvr $group"
$ns at 3.5 "$n(3) leave-group $rcvr $group"

$ns at 0.4 "$src1 start"
$ns at 2.0 "$src2 start"

$ns at 4.0 "finish"

proc finish {} {
        global ns nf
set PERL "/bin/perl5.8.2"
               set NSHOME "/home/ns-allinone-2.30"                       ;#change path
               set XGRAPH "$NSHOME/bin/xgraph"
               set SETFID "$NSHOME/ns-2.30/bin/set_flow_id"
               set RAW2XG_SCTP "$NSHOME/ns-2.30/bin/raw2xg-sctp"
               $ns flush-trace
               close $nf
               exec $PERL $SETFID -s Rands3.tr | \
               $PERL $RAW2XG_SCTP -A -q > Rands3.rands
               exec $XGRAPH -bb -tk -nl -m -x time -y packets Rands3.rands &

                #exec xgraph /home/project/STAIR/STAIR2/aso1.tr &
                #exec xgraph /home/project/STAIR/STAIR2/aso2.tr &


                # puts "filtering..."
                 #exec tclsh /home/ns-allinone-2.30/nam-1.12/bin/namfilter.tcl Rands3.nam
                puts "running nam..."

        $ns flush-trace
        exec nam Rands3.rands &
        exit 0

#Calling finish procedure

$ns run


#-----How to run-----#

$ns filename.tcl
$xgraph –geometry 600X700 filename.rands


