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Home Lab Exercise Object Oriented Programming Lab Exercise ProgramsCPP Program To Implement Constructor and Destructor▼

CPP Program To Implement Constructor and Destructor

Alogarithm steps:

    Step 1: Create the stack class.

    Step 2: Declare the constructor and destructor in the class

    Step 3: Stack constructor definition.

    Step 4: Stack destructor definition.

    Step 5: Create the objects for the class stack. Objects automatically call the constructor for object initialization.

    Step 6: Before program termination destructors are automatically called by compiler. It destroys the objects in memory.

CPP Program To Implement Constructor and Destructor

#include #define SIZE 100 class stack { int stck[SIZE]; int tos; public: stack(); //constructor ~stack(); //destructor void push(int i); int pop(); }; //stack’s constructor function stack :: stack() { tos=0; cout<<”Stack Initialized\n”; } //stacks destructor function stack :: ~stack() { cout<<”\Stack Destroyed”; } void stack :: push(int i) { if(tos==SIZE) { cout<<”Stack is full.\n”; return; } stck[tos] = i; tos++; } int stack :: pop () { if(tos==0) { cout<<”Stack underflow.\n”; return; } tos--; return stck[tos]; } int main() { stack a,b; a. push(1); b. push(2); a. push(3); b. push(4); cout<


Stack Initialized
Stack Initialized
3 1 4 2
Stack Destroyed
Stack Destroyed

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