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Home Lab Exercise Network Lab Exercise Programs Demonstration to restart server by capturing SIGHUP signal▼

Demonstration to restart server by capturing SIGHUP signal:

Algorithm Steps:

Step 1: start

Step 2:  If fork returns zero than call the child function

Step 3: Initialize the socket and set its attributes assign any port number as desired.

Step 4: Call the sigaction function and check the return value.

Step 5: If it is not equal to zero display the message.

Step 6: repeate the process upto system becomes off.

C Program To Restart Server By Capturing SIGHUP signal

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int isfirst; char **command_args; void sig_hangup(int signum) { if ( isfirst ) { isfirst = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Parent died\n"); } else /* Restart! */ { fprintf(stderr, "Restarting...\n"); /*** Kill all existing child processes ***/ execv(command_args[0], command_args); fprintf(stderr, "Could not restart!!!\n"); abort(); } } void child(void) { struct sigaction act; bzero(&act, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = sig_hangup; act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if ( sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, 0) != 0 ) perror("Can't capture SIGHUP"); for (;;) { fprintf(stderr, "[pid=%d] I'm still here\n", getpid()); sleep(1); } exit(0); } int main(int count, char *strings[]) { isfirst = 1; command_args = strings; if ( fork() == 0 ) child(); sleep(1); return 0; }


$gcc restart-example -o restart.exe
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here
$ [pid=2556] I'm still here

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