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Tcl script to make communication between nodes using AODV routing protocol and CBR traffic


     Number of nodes (22) is fixed in the program. Nodes are configured with specific parameters of a mobile wireless node. After creating the nam file and trace file, we set up topography object. set node_ ($i) [$ns node] is used to create the nodes. Initial location of the nodes is fixed. Specific X, Y coordinates are assigned to every node. Nodes are given mobility with fixed speed and fixed destination location. Here we set the initial size for the every node by using initial_node_pos. AODV routing protocol is used here. $val(stop) specifies the end time of the simulation. UDP agent is attached to sender node. LossMonitor agent is attached to receiver node. Both the agents are connected and CBR traffic is attached to UDP agent. Now communication set up for nodes are established.

File name: “Aodv.tcl”

### Setting The Simulator Objects
      set ns_ [new Simulator]
#create the nam and trace file:
      set tracefd [open aodv.tr w]
      $ns_ trace-all $tracefd

      set namtrace [open aodv.nam w]
      $ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace  $val(x) $val(y)

      set topo [new Topography]
      $topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)
      create-god $val(nn)
      set chan_1_ [new $val(chan)]
####  Setting The Distance Variables

      # For model 'TwoRayGround'
      set dist(5m)  7.69113e-06
      set dist(9m)  2.37381e-06
      set dist(10m) 1.92278e-06
      set dist(11m) 1.58908e-06
      set dist(12m) 1.33527e-06
      set dist(13m) 1.13774e-06
      set dist(14m) 9.81011e-07
      set dist(15m) 8.54570e-07
      set dist(16m) 7.51087e-07
      set dist(20m) 4.80696e-07
      set dist(25m) 3.07645e-07
      set dist(30m) 2.13643e-07
      set dist(35m) 1.56962e-07
      set dist(40m) 1.56962e-10
      set dist(45m) 1.56962e-11
      set dist(50m) 1.20174e-13
      Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ $dist(50m)
      Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ $dist(50m)

#  Defining Node Configuration
                  $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
                   -llType $val(ll) \
                   -macType $val(mac) \
                   -ifqType $val(ifq) \
                   -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
                   -antType $val(ant) \
                   -propType $val(prop) \
                   -phyType $val(netif) \
                   -topoInstance $topo \
                   -agentTrace ON \
                   -routerTrace ON \
                   -macTrace ON \
                   -movementTrace ON \
                   -channel $chan_1_

###  Creating The WIRELESS NODES
      set Server1 [$ns_ node]
      set Server2 [$ns_ node]
      set n2 [$ns_ node]
      set n3 [$ns_ node]
      set n4 [$ns_ node]
      set n5 [$ns_ node]
      set n6 [$ns_ node]
      set n7 [$ns_ node]
      set n8 [$ns_ node]
      set n9 [$ns_ node]
      set n10 [$ns_ node]
      set n11 [$ns_ node]
      set n12 [$ns_ node]
      set n13 [$ns_ node]
      set n14 [$ns_ node]
      set n15 [$ns_ node]
      set n16 [$ns_ node]
      set n17 [$ns_ node]
      set n18 [$ns_ node]
      set n19 [$ns_ node]
      set n20 [$ns_ node]
      set n21 [$ns_ node]
      set n22 [$ns_ node]
      set opt(seed) 0.1
      set a [ns-random $opt(seed)]
      set i 0
      while {$i < 5} {
      incr i

###  Setting The Initial Positions of Nodes

      $Server1 set X_ 513.0
      $Server1 set Y_ 517.0
      $Server1 set Z_ 0.0
      $Server2 set X_ 1445.0
      $Server2 set Y_ 474.0
      $Server2 set Z_ 0.0
      $n2 set X_ 36.0
      $n2 set Y_ 529.0
      $n2 set Z_ 0.0

      $n3 set X_ 143.0
      $n3 set Y_ 666.0
      $n3 set Z_ 0.0

      $n4 set X_ 201.0
      $n4 set Y_ 552.0
      $n4 set Z_ 0.0
      $n5 set X_ 147.0
      $n5 set Y_ 403.0
      $n5 set Z_ 0.0
      $n6 set X_ 230.0
      $n6 set Y_ 291.0
      $n6 set Z_ 0.0

      $n7 set X_ 295.0
      $n7 set Y_ 419.0
      $n7 set Z_ 0.0

      $n8 set X_ 363.0
      $n8 set Y_ 335.0
      $n8 set Z_ 0.0

      $n9 set X_ 334.0
      $n9 set Y_ 647.0
      $n9 set Z_ 0.0

      $n10 set X_ 304.0
      $n10 set Y_ 777.0
      $n10 set Z_ 0.0
      $n11 set X_ 412.0
      $n11 set Y_ 194.0
      $n11 set Z_ 0.0
      $n12 set X_ 519.0
      $n12 set Y_ 361.0
      $n12 set Z_ 0.0

      $n13 set X_ 569.0
      $n13 set Y_ 167.0
      $n13 set Z_ 0.0

      $n14 set X_ 349.0
      $n14 set Y_ 546.0
      $n14 set Z_ 0.0

      $n15 set X_ 466.0
      $n15 set Y_ 668.0
      $n15 set Z_ 0.0

      $n16 set X_ 489.0
      $n16 set Y_ 794.0
      $n16 set Z_ 0.0

      $n17 set X_ 606.0
      $n17 set Y_ 711.0
      $n17 set Z_ 0.0

      $n18 set X_ 630.0
      $n18 set Y_ 626.0
      $n18 set Z_ 0.0

      $n19 set X_ 666.0
      $n19 set Y_ 347.0
      $n19 set Z_ 0.0

      $n20 set X_ 741.0
      $n20 set Y_ 152.0
      $n20 set Z_ 0.0

      $n21 set X_ 882.0
      $n21 set Y_ 264.0
      $n21 set Z_ 0.0
      $n22 set X_ 761.0
      $n22 set Y_ 441.0
      $n22 set Z_ 0.0
      ## Giving Mobility to Nodes
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n2 setdest 379.0 349.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n3 setdest 556.0 302.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.20 "$n4 setdest 309.0 211.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n5 setdest 179.0 333.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n6 setdest 139.0 63.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n7 setdest 320.0 27.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.50 "$n8 setdest 505.0 124.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n9 setdest 274.0 487.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n10 setdest 494.0 475.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n11 setdest 899.0 757.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 0.50 "$n12 setdest 598.0 728.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 0.25 "$n13 setdest 551.0 624.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n14 setdest 397.0 647.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n15 setdest 748.0 688.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n16 setdest 842.0 623.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n17 setdest 678.0 548.0 25.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n18 setdest 741.0 809.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n19 setdest 437.0 799.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.20 "$n20 setdest 159.0 722.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 1.25 "$n21 setdest 700.0 350.0 20.0"
      $ns_ at 0.75 "$n22 setdest 839.0 444.0 20.0"
      ## Setting The Node Size
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $Server1 75
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $Server2 75
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n2 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n3 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n4 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n5 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n6 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n7 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n8 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n9 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n10 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n11 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n12 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n13 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n14 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n15 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n16 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n17 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n18 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n19 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n20 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n21 40
      $ns_ initial_node_pos $n22 40

      #### Setting The Labels For Nodes
      $ns_ at 0.0 "$Server1 label Server1"
      $ns_ at 0.0 "$Server2 label Server2"
      #Setting Color For Server
      $Server1 color maroon
      $ns_ at 0.0 "$Server1 color maroon"
      $Server2 color maroon
      $ns_ at 0.0 "$Server2 color maroon"

$ns_ at 0.0 "$ns_ set-animation-rate 15.0ms"

$n9 color blue
$ns_ at 4.71 "$n9 color blue"
$n5 color blue
$ns_ at 7.0 "$n5 color blue"
$n2 color blue
$ns_ at 7.29 "$n2 color blue"

$n16 color blue
$ns_ at 7.59 "$n16 color blue"

$n9 color maroon
$ns_ at 7.44 "$n9 color maroon"

$ns_ at 7.43 "$n9 label TTLover"
$ns_ at 7.55 "$n9 label \"\""

$n12 color blue
$ns_ at 7.85 "$n12 color blue"
####  Establishing Communication

      set udp0 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $Server1 LossMonitor $n18 0]
      $udp0 set fid_ 1
      set cbr0 [$udp0 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr0 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr0 set interval_ .07
      $ns_ at 0.0 "$cbr0 start"
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr0 stop"
      set udp1 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $Server1 LossMonitor $n22 0]
      $udp1 set fid_ 1
      set cbr1 [$udp1 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr1 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr1 set interval_ .07
      $ns_ at 0.1 "$cbr1 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr1 stop"
      set udp2 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n21 LossMonitor $n20 0]
      $udp2 set fid_ 1
      set cbr2 [$udp2 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr2 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr2 set interval_ .07
      $ns_ at 2.4 "$cbr2 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr2 stop"
      set udp3 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $Server1 LossMonitor $n15 0]
      $udp3 set fid_ 1
      set cbr3 [$udp3 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr3 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr3 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr3 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr3 stop"
      set udp4 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $Server1 LossMonitor $n14 0]
      $udp4 set fid_ 1
      set cbr4 [$udp4 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr4 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr4 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr4 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr4 stop"
      set udp5 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n15 LossMonitor $n16 0]
      $udp5 set fid_ 1
      set cbr5 [$udp5 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr5 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr5 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr5 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr5 stop"
      set udp6 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n15 LossMonitor $n17 0]
      $udp6 set fid_ 1
      set cbr6 [$udp6 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr6 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr6 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr6 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr6 stop"
      set udp7 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n14 LossMonitor $n4 0]
      $udp7 set fid_ 1
      set cbr7 [$udp7 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr7 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr7 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr7 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr7 stop"
      set udp8 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n14 LossMonitor $n9 0]
      $udp8 set fid_ 1
      set cbr8 [$udp8 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr8 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr8 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr8 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr8 stop"
      set udp9 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n4 LossMonitor $n3 0]
      $udp9 set fid_ 1
      set cbr9 [$udp9 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr9 set packetSize_ 1000   
      $cbr9 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr9 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr9 stop"
      set udp10 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n4 LossMonitor $n2 0]
      $udp10 set fid_ 1
      set cbr10 [$udp10 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr10 set packetSize_ 1000  
      $cbr10 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr10 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr10 stop"
      set udp11 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n9 LossMonitor $n16 0]
      $udp11 set fid_ 1
      set cbr11 [$udp11 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr11 set packetSize_ 1000  
      $cbr11 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr11 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr11 stop"
      set udp12 [$ns_ create-connection UDP $n9 LossMonitor $n10 0]
      $udp12 set fid_ 1
      set cbr12 [$udp12 attach-app Traffic/CBR]
      $cbr12 set packetSize_ 1000  
      $cbr12 set interval_ 5
      $ns_ at 4.0 "$cbr12 start"
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$cbr12 stop"


      $ns_ at 0.0 "$ns_ trace-annotate \"MOBILE NODE MOVEMENTS\""
      $ns_ at 4.1 "$ns_ trace-annotate \"NODE27 CACHE THE DATA FRO SERVER\""
      #$ns_ at 4.59 "$ns_ trace-annotate \"PACKET LOSS AT NODE27\""    
      $ns_ at 4.71 "$ns_ trace-annotate \"NODE10 CACHE THE DATA\""     

      proc stop {} {
                        global ns_ tracefd
                        $ns_ flush-trace
                        close $tracefd
                        exec nam datacache.nam &           
                        exit 0


      puts "Starting Simulation........"
      $ns_ at 25.0 "stop"
      $ns_ run

# How to run the program:

$ns aodv1.tcl

#snapshot of the program:

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