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CPP Program For Heart Breaking Game
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define n 25 void start(void); void end(void); void rhits(void); void yhits(void); void phits(void); char *msg; void *ball, *ball1, *ball2, *gun, *bomb[n]; void *rhrt[n], *yhrt[n], *phrt[n]; int rflag[n], yflag[n], pflag[n]; int rx[n], ry[n], yx[n], yy[n], px[n], py[n]; int j, life = 3; int rin=0, yin=0, pin=0; unsigned int size,size1,size2,size3,size4; int count = 0, r = 10, bct=0; int nohits = 0, i; int ats = 0; int xend = 400, yend = 450; char che = 3, ch; int flag = 1, x = 5, gx = 4, hitflag[n]; int speed = 1, hity[n], hitx[n]; int x1 = 200, x2 = 377; int ti=500; int flag1 = 1, flag2 = 1; int rhit = 0, yhit = 0, phit = 0; struct time t; void main(void) { int gd = DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "..//bgi"); sprintf(msg,"%c",che); setcolor(RED); settextstyle(0,0,30); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-130,getmaxy()/2-100,msg); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(0,0,0); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,getmaxy()/2-50,"Heart Break Kid Game"); getch(); cleardevice(); start(); for(i=0;i=15) gx -= 15; } else if(ch==77) { if(gx<=xend-25) gx += 15; } putimage(gx,yend-14,gun,XOR_PUT); if(ch==72&&life>0) { ats += 1; int remflag = 0; for(i=0;i1) { hitflag[i]= 1; remflag = 1; hitx[i] = gx + 8 - 3; hity[i] = yend - 14 - 15; putimage(hitx[i],hity[i],bomb[i],XOR_PUT); break; } } if(remflag==0) { for(i=0;i=x&&hitx[i]<=x+20&&hity[i]>=5&&hity[i]<=25) { rhits(); count += 3; rhit += 1; hitflag[i] = 2; } if(hitx[i]>=x1&&hitx[i]<=x1+20&&hity[i]>=150&&hity[i]<=170) { yhits(); count += 2; yhit+=1; hitflag[i] = 2; } if(hitx[i]>=x2&&hitx[i]<=x2+20&&hity[i]>=250&&hity[i]<=270) { phits(); count += 1; phit+=1; hitflag[i] = 2; } if(hity[i]<=2) { hitflag[i] = 2; } if(hitflag[i]==1) { putimage(hitx[i],hity[i],bomb[i],XOR_PUT); } } if(ti>=500) { gettime(&t); sprintf(msg," Current Time:%2d:%02d:%02d",t.ti_hour, t.ti_min,t.ti_sec); setfillstyle(1,12); bar(xend+3,yend+3,getmaxx()-4,getmaxy()-4); setcolor(BLACK); settextstyle(0,0,0); outtextxy(xend+15,yend+10,msg); ti = 0; } putimage(x,5,ball,XOR_PUT); putimage(x1,150,ball1,XOR_PUT); putimage(x2,250,ball2,XOR_PUT); if(flag==1) x += speed; else x -= speed; if(x>=xend-23) { flag = 0; } if(x<=1) { flag = 1; } if(flag1==1) x1 += 1+speed; else x1 -= 1+speed; if(x1>=xend-23) { flag1 = 0; } if(x1<=1) { flag1 = 1; } if(flag2==1) x2 += 2+speed; else x2 -= 2+speed; if(x2>=xend-23) { flag2 = 0; } if(x2<=1) { flag2 = 1; } putimage(x,5,ball,XOR_PUT); putimage(x1,150,ball1,XOR_PUT); putimage(x2,250,ball2,XOR_PUT); for(i=0;i=gx-5&&rx[i]<=gx+20&&ry[i]>=yend-15&&ry[i]<=yend-5) { // count -= 3; rflag[i] = 2; life--; } } } for(i=0;i=gx-5&&yx[i]<=gx+20&&yy[i]>=yend-15&&yy[i]<=yend-5) { // count -= 2; yflag[i] = 2; life--; } } } for(i=0;i=gx-5&&px[i]<=gx+20&&py[i]>=yend-15&&py[i]<=yend-5) { // count -= 1; pflag[i] = 2; life--; } } } for(i=0;i=yend-5) { rflag[i] = 2; } for(i=0;i=yend-5) { yflag[i] = 2; } for(i=0;i=yend-5) { pflag[i] = 2; } for(i=0;i=30) speed = 2; if(count>=60) speed = 3; if(count>=90) speed = 4; if(count>=120) speed = 5; delay(12-speed); ti += 12-speed; } } void end(void) { char m[3]; sprintf(m,"%c",3); clrscr(); cleardevice(); restorecrtmode(); textattr(11); cprintf("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"); gotoxy(20,3); cprintf("THE SCORE BOARD FOR HEART BREAK KID"); printf(" "); cprintf("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"); gotoxy(20,7); textattr(11); cprintf("TOTAL NUMBER OF FIRE SHOOTED : %d",ats); gotoxy(20,9); cprintf("TOTAL NUMBER OF POINTS SCORED : %d",count); gotoxy(20,11); textattr(RED); cprintf("TOTAL NUMBER OF HITS TO RED HEART : %d",rhit); gotoxy(20,13); textattr(YELLOW); cprintf("TOTAL NUMBER OF HITS TO YELLOW HEART : %d",yhit); gotoxy(20,15); textattr(12); cprintf("TOTAL NUMBER OF HITS OT PINK HEART : %d",phit); printf(" "); textattr(11); cprintf("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"); getch(); /* int gd=DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); while(!kbhit()) { setcolor(random(getmaxcolor())); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(random(getmaxx()),random(getmaxy()),m); setcolor(12); settextstyle(0,0,2); outtextxy(100,250,"THANK YOU FOR PLAYING HBK"); } closegraph(); restorecrtmode();*/ exit(0); } void start(void) { cleardevice(); settextstyle(10,0,3); setcolor(12); outtextxy(150,100,"HEART BREAK KID"); settextstyle(0,0,2); getch(); cleardevice(); } void rhits(void) { int rflg = 0; for(j=0;j1) { rflag[j] = 1; rflg = 1; rx[j] = x-1; ry[j] = 26; putimage(rx[j],ry[j],rhrt[j],XOR_PUT); break; } } if(rflg==0) { rflag[rin] = 1; settextstyle(0,0,1); setcolor(RED); sprintf(msg,"%c",che); outtextxy(x,28,msg); size2 = imagesize(x-1,28-2,x+8,34); rhrt[rin] = malloc(size2); getimage(x-1,28-2,x+8,34,rhrt[rin]); rx[rin] = x-1; ry[rin] = 26; for(j=0;j1) { yflag[j] = 1; yflg = 1; yx[j] = x1-1; yy[j] = 171; putimage(yx[j],yy[j],yhrt[j],XOR_PUT); break; } } if(yflg==0) { yflag[yin] = 1; settextstyle(0,0,1); setcolor(YELLOW); sprintf(msg,"%c",che); outtextxy(x1,171,msg); size3 = imagesize(x1-1,171,x1+8,179); yhrt[yin] = malloc(size3); getimage(x1-1,171,x1+8,179,yhrt[yin]); yx[yin] = x1-1; yy[yin] = 171; for(j=0;j1) { pflag[j] = 1; pflg = 1; px[j] = x2-1; py[j] = 281; putimage(px[j],py[j],phrt[j],XOR_PUT); break; } } if(pflg==0) { pflag[pin] = 1; settextstyle(0,0,1); setcolor(12); sprintf(msg,"%c",che); outtextxy(x2,281,msg); size4 = imagesize(x2-1,281,x2+8,289); phrt[pin] = malloc(size4); getimage(x2-1,281,x2+8,289,phrt[pin]); px[pin] = x2-1; py[pin] = 281; for(j=0;j

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