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C Program To Display Circles

#include /* For graphics library functions */ #include /* For exit() */ #include #include int set_graph(void); /* Initialize graphics */ void calc_coords(void); /* Scale distances onscreen */ void draw_planets(void); /* Draw and fill planet circles */ /* Draw one planet circle */ void draw_planet(float x_pos, float radius, int color, int fill_style); void get_key(void); /* Display text on graphics screen, */ /* wait for key */ /* Global variables -- set by calc_coords() */ int max_x, max_y; /* Maximum x- and y-coordinates */ int y_org; /* Y-coordinate for all drawings */ int au1; /* One astronomical unit in pixels (inner planets) */ int au2; /* One astronomical unit in pixels (outer planets) */ int erad; /* One earth radius in pixels */ int main() { /* Exit if not EGA or VGA */ /* Find out if they have what it takes */ if (set_graph() != 1) { printf("This program requires EGA or VGA graphics\n"); exit(0); } calc_coords(); /* Scale to graphics resolution in use */ draw_planets(); /* Sun through Uranus (no room for others) */ get_key(); /* Display message and wait for key press */ closegraph(); /* Close graphics system */ return 0; } int set_graph(void) { int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode, error_code; /* Initialize graphics system; must be EGA or VGA */ initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "..\\bgi"); error_code = graphresult(); if (error_code != grOk) return(-1); /* No graphics hardware found */ if ((graphdriver != EGA) && (graphdriver != VGA)) { closegraph(); return 0; } return(1); /* Graphics OK, so return "true" */ } void calc_coords(void) { /* Set global variables for drawing */ max_x = getmaxx(); /* Returns maximum x-coordinate */ max_y = getmaxy(); /* Returns maximum y-coordinate */ y_org = max_y / 2; /* Set Y coord for all objects */ erad = max_x / 200; /* One earth radius in pixels */ au1 = erad * 20; /* Scale for inner planets */ au2 = erad * 10; /* scale for outer planets */ } void draw_planets() { /* Each call specifies x-coordinate in au, radius, and color */ /* arc of Sun */ draw_planet(-90, 100, EGA_YELLOW, EMPTY_FILL); /* Mercury */ draw_planet(0.4 * au1, 0.4 * erad, EGA_BROWN, LTBKSLASH_FILL); /* Venus */ draw_planet(0.7 * au1, 1.0 * erad, EGA_WHITE, SOLID_FILL); /* Earth */ draw_planet(1.0 * au1, 1.0 * erad, EGA_LIGHTBLUE, SOLID_FILL); /* Mars */ draw_planet(1.5 * au1, 0.4 * erad, EGA_LIGHTRED, CLOSE_DOT_FILL); /* Jupiter */ draw_planet(5.2 * au2, 11.2 * erad, EGA_WHITE, LINE_FILL); /* Saturn */ draw_planet(9.5 * au2, 9.4 * erad, EGA_LIGHTGREEN, LINE_FILL); /* Uranus */ draw_planet(19.2 * au2, 4.2 * erad, EGA_GREEN, LINE_FILL); } void draw_planet(float x_pos, float radius, int color, int fill_style) { setcolor (color); /* This becomes drawing color */ circle(x_pos, y_org, radius); /* Draw the circle */ setfillstyle(fill_style, color); /* Set pattern to fill interior */ floodfill(x_pos, y_org, color); /* Fill the circle */ } void get_key(void) { outtextxy(50, max_y - 20, "Press any key to exit"); getch(); }

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