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C Program To Convert Postfix Expression To Infix Expression:

#include #include #include #define SIZE 30 typedef struct fix_tag { char s[SIZE][SIZE], dest[SIZE] ; char t1[2], t2[2] ; char ch1[SIZE], ch2[SIZE], ch3[SIZE] ; int i, top ; }postfix ; /********** Function Declaration begins **********/ void initialization ( postfix * ) ; void expression ( postfix *, char * ) ; void push ( postfix *, char * ) ; void pop ( postfix *, char * ) ; void trans ( postfix * ) ; void display ( postfix ) ; /********** Function Declaration ends **********/ void main( ) { postfix PF ; char exp[SIZE] ; clrscr( ) ; initialization ( &PF ) ; printf ( "\n\t\t Enter any Postfix expression :\n " ) ; gets ( exp ) ; expression ( &PF, exp ) ; trans ( &PF ) ; printf ( "\nThe resultant infix expression is: " ) ; display ( PF ) ; getch( ) ; } /********** Initialization of Strucutre variable **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void initialization ( postfix *p ) { p -> i = 0 ; p -> top = -1 ; strcpy ( p -> dest, "") ; } /********** Function Definition ends **********/ /********** String Copy **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void expression ( postfix *p, char *c ) { strcpy ( p -> dest, c ) ; } /********** Function Definition ends **********/ /********** Pushing expression **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void push ( postfix *p, char *str ) { if ( p -> top == SIZE - 1 ) printf ( "\nStack Overflow." ) ; else { p -> top++ ; strcpy ( p -> s[p -> top], str ) ; } } /********** Function Definition ends **********/ /********** Popping expression **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void pop ( postfix *p, char *a ) { if ( p -> top == -1 ) printf ( "\nStack is empty." ) ; else { strcpy ( a, p -> s[p -> top] ) ; p -> top-- ; } } /********** Function Definition ends **********/ /********** Postfix to Infix **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void trans ( postfix *p ) { while ( p -> dest[p -> i] ) { if( p -> dest[p -> i] == '' ) p -> i++ ; if ( p -> dest[p -> i] == '%' || p -> dest[p -> i] == '*' || p -> dest[p -> i] == '-' || p -> dest[p -> i] == '+' || p -> dest[p -> i] == '/' || p -> dest[p -> i] == '$' ) { pop ( p, p -> ch2 ) ; pop ( p, p -> ch3 ) ; p -> t1[0] = p -> dest[p -> i] ; p -> t1[1] = '\0' ; strcpy ( p -> ch1, p -> ch3 ) ; strcat ( p -> ch1, p -> t1 ) ; strcat ( p -> ch1, p -> ch2 ) ; push ( p, p -> ch1 ) ; } else { p -> t1[0] = p -> dest[p -> i] ; p -> t1[1] = '\0' ; strcpy ( p -> t2, p -> t1 ) ; push ( p, p -> t2 ) ; } p -> i++ ; } } /********** Function Definition ends **********/ /********** Displaying expression **********/ /********** Function Definition begins **********/ void display ( postfix p ) { char *t ; t = p.s[0] ; while ( *t ) { printf ( "%c ", *t ) ; t++ ; } }


  Enter any Postfix expression:


The resultant infix expression is: 1 * 2 / 3 – 4.


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